Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Soundtrack to September : cha-cha-changes

So as summer comes to what seems a screeching halt, September brings for some—a new school semester, new friends and new loves.  For those still hanging on to the carefree and blissful summer days, or those breaking open the overpriced and overwhelming is a September soundtrack for the smitten, budding new romances, the love-torn and confused, the rebellious class-ditchers, and those hopeful for some fun this semester and much needed change:

1) Michael- Franz Ferdinand

2) Whistle for the Choir- The Fratellis

3) Bodysnatchers- Radiohead

4) I Wanna be Your Boyfriend- The Ramones

5) The Comeback- Shout Out Louds

6) Time of the Season- The Zombies

7) Who’d Have Known- Lily Allen

8) Kissing the Lipless- The Shins

9) Boys Don’t Cry- The Cure

10) I’m Not Gunna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance with You- Black Kids

11) I Want to Hold Your Hand- The Beatles

12) Wake Up- Arcade Fire

13) Meet Me in the Bathroom- The Strokes

13) Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want- The Smiths

14) We Don’t Need No Education- Pink Floyd

15) Changes- David Bowie

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